Friday, 17 May 2019

An Evening in May…..

If laughter is the best medicine…we had lots of good medicine and a few tears at the May 9th public performance sponsored by the Manitoba Government program Healthy Together Now. Engaging in the arts is a traditional way to grow relationships, understanding, support and community health.

Over 70 people, many of whom had seen previous Red Threads playback performances, enjoyed “A Slice of Life” experiences from audience members improvisationally performed by Claude Bellefeuille, Bequie Lake, Dawn Lavand,Tanissa Martindale, Dana Rungay and Robin Shugart.

Stories from childhood to great grand-motherhood were told and held in the warmth of the audience then played back with empathy, honesty and humor by the troupe.  We heard stories about unconditional love from dogs (both the needed and the unsolicited!), family longings and tensions, unforgotten bullying, long-lost and regained connections, transitions and the joys of the generations.

It was an uplifting evening of re-connecting with friends and colleagues as well as inviting new friends into the playback circle of story and community. One audience member said, “more people need to be part of this".  Thanks again to all who made it possible.